Learn how to assess your hive health so your bees survive through the winter!
We'll show how to consolidate the broodnest, likely reducing the hive by 1-2 boxes. We’ll advise on how to protect your hives from robber bees, wasps, ants, and wax moths. We'll also cover when to inspect during the winter months, what to do about varroa mites, how to store frames over the winter, and how much honey to keep in the hive. Lastly, we'll cover how to overwinter small hives, which need special attention and feeding to survive.
We highly recommend you also take the Varroa Mite Management class, as mites and the viruses they transmit are the number one cause of hive death.
Self Study Course Includes a 2.5 Hours of Video Lecture with Powerpoint Slideshow
Instructor: Jennifer Radtke
Jennifer Radtke has been keeping bees in her backyard for 16 years, and has developed the beekeeping education program at the BioFuel Oasis Cooperative. She served 3 years as vice-president of the Alameda Co Beekeeping Association.