Get Your Hive Ready for Winter!
We will focus on sugar roll testing, organic mite treatments, checking hive nutrition, and reducing the hive, so your hive heads into winter strong and protected!
This 3-Month Group Program
- Three Hands - On Hive Inspections
- Sunday, July 16th, 2-4pm
- Saturday, Aug. 19th, 2-4pm
- Sunday, September 17th, Time TBD
Three Zooms About Your Hives
Get advice about your hive. Also learn from other people's hives (so you know what to do when it happens to yours). - Sunday, July 30th, 6-7:30pm
- Sunday, Aug. 27th, 6-7:30pm
- Sunday, Oct. 1st, 6-7:30pm
- Meet Beekeepers to Share Equipment and Get Help Inspecting
Prerequisite Classes (can be taken at same time):
This mini-mentorship will give you hands-on experience with what's covered in these classes.
- Hive Inspection Class
- Varroa Mite Management Class
- Prepare Your Hive for Winter Class (August)